About Me


Hi, I'm Tiara, founder and creator here at thelovestitch. I started thelovestitch with the dream to, one day, make my passions my career.

I live in Maryland with my husband, Gabriel, and our two children, Aria Bella and Jonah Danilo. I am a self-taught knitter and seamstress. I believe there is magic made when the perfect fiber or fabric is matched with a pattern and that in itself fuels my fire and drives my love for the fiber industry.

In addition to making project bags and designing knitting patterns, I am also a freelance artist and graphic designer. I studied Graphic Design and Web development in college and I love to take on new clients and projects.

I hope you find love and friendship here. I hope the things I make, make your love for your hobbies and passions grow. 

You can keep up with me on my:

Youtube Channel